Can I ask that a TRICARE claim for reimbursement of payments made be waived or reduced?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Many U.S. servicemembers, veterans, and their family members depend on TRICARE benefits when they need medical treatment for non-military service-related illnesses and injuries, from regular preventative care to emergency treatment after serious car wrecks and other accidents. However, when using TRICARE, there are laws that […]

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Why Do I Have to File a Claim Under the Federal Tort Claims Act, and Can I Do It Myself?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

If you are injured through the negligence or “wrongful act” of a government employee, department, or worker engaged in their job, you can’t simply file a personal injury lawsuit the way you normally would for someone in a different profession. Instead, you must do so […]

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Can Active-Duty Servicemembers File Medical Malpractice Claims Against Military Doctors?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Many U.S. military members sign up to serve their country without fear because they know that if they are injured, they will have prompt access to some of the best healthcare in the world. However, some servicemembers experience the opposite when they fall victim to […]

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Is it Safer to Ride a Motorcycle on City Streets or the Highway?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

While riding a motorcycle is almost always more fun than driving a car, it is always more dangerous. Motorcycle riders don’t have anything to protect them in crashes except for their helmets and other motorcycle gear, so they are extremely vulnerable to injury. There are […]

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Should I See a Military Doctor or Go “Off Post” If I’m Injured While an Active-Duty Servicemember?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Members of the U.S. military put their lives on the line to defend our country. Unfortunately, active duty servicemembers can still get harmed in more ordinary and preventable ways while they are stateside, including in car crashes while off-base. When that happens, getting well again […]

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Can I Sue the City of Columbus for an Injury on City-Owned Property?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

When you are injured on someone else’s property because they failed to make it safe for visitors, they can be held liable for the cost of your injuries and more. For example, you may fall and injure yourself in the stairwell of an apartment building […]

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What happens if my military duty assignment changes or I move away from Ft Moore (formerly Ft Benning) in the middle of my case?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

If you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, such as in an auto wreck, while an active-duty member of the U.S. military, it can be complicated to get compensation. Part of this is because you may be transferred to a new base at any […]

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Can I Represent Myself in Civil Court?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Yes, you have the right to represent yourself in civil court, just like you do in criminal court. However, there are many reasons why you should not, as even the most experienced lawyers hire their own attorneys when facing legal issues. If you have been […]

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If I was already treating with a doctor, should I continue with that treatment?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Medical care is expensive, so it is very tempting to think that once you start to feel a little better, that you can stop going to appointments and simply wait to get better on your own. You may also want to start going to a […]

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How Much Can I Get for Pain and Suffering in Georgia?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

There is a dangerous misconception that getting injured is like winning the lottery, or that people get more money than they need or deserve in personal injury lawsuits. That isn’t true. The amount of money you get in any personal injury lawsuit is supposed to […]

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