How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Everyone knows that lawyers charge hundreds of dollars per hour for their services. Or do they? Unlike other kinds of lawyers, personal injury attorneys typically charge on a contingency fee basis instead of by the hour. This means that you can afford a personal injury […]

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When Is An Accident Just an Accident?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

As personal injury lawyers, we hear and even use the word “accident” a lot, but we don’t particularly like the term. By calling car wrecks, or slips and falls, or injuries from defective products “accidents,” the implication is that it happened for no reason and […]

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Does a Lawyer Have to Keep My Situation Private If I Don’t Hire Them?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Most people are aware that private conversations they have with their lawyer can’t be used against them in a trial, and they aren’t required to share anything they told their lawyer in confidence. That’s because of attorney-client privilege. However, does this still apply if it’s […]

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Do I Have to Pay to Speak to a Lawyer?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

One of the biggest concerns people have when they need to hire a lawyer after an accident is whether or not they can afford one! The good news is…YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN! At the Law Offices of Gary Bruce, we always tell anyone who has been […]

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How to Pick a Good Lawyer

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Because there are so many personal injury law firms, if you’ve never needed to hire a lawyer before and don’t have anyone to provide you with a recommendation, it can be hard to know how to pick the right lawyer from all the choices presented […]

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Be Wary of Cold Calls from Lawyers After an Accident

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

As personal injury attorneys, we can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to fight negative perceptions as being “ambulance chasers.” But the unfortunate truth is, there are some unethical lawyers out there who don’t mind giving the rest of us a bad reputation by […]

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Is It Too Late to File a Personal Injury Claim?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

When people are injured in accidents, they don’t always immediately realize the severity of their injuries, and how much treatment they will need. But health insurance doesn’t cover everything, and your bills may quickly grow to more than you can afford, especially if you are […]

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The Most Common Causes of Burn Injuries

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Burns are one of the leading causes of accidental injury and death in the U.S. In fact, someone in the U.S. is burned seriously enough to require treatment roughly every minute, according to data collected by the National Fire Protection Association. All burns should be […]

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How to Recognize a Bad Nursing Home

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Trusting your loved one’s health and happiness to strangers is never easy. Whether your elderly loved one can no longer safely live alone and unassisted, or they are already moved into a nursing home, you’re understandably concerned about the level of care they receive. Sadly, […]

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What to Expect at Your Personal Injury Deposition

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Your lawyer said you need to give a deposition. Now what? Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds. Let’s start with going over what a deposition actually is. What Is a Deposition? A deposition for a personal injury claim is when the other […]

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